4 weeks
Project role
UX Research
UX/UI Design
Lucid Chart
Project Brief
Eventshift is a fictional startup company that has launched a product that helps people meet new friends. The goal of the product is to create a social user experience that will allow users to get out and do activities in person. Friends keep us company through the difficulties of our lives and help us grow, but when people move to a new city or town, fear and social anxiety can keep them from making new friends. My job is to help people who have social anxiety step out and make new friends.
The Problem
The team has identified a problem that the number of people who say they are going to an event is significantly higher than the actual number of people who attend.
Target User
• 32-55 years old
• User base in an equal split between men and women
• Uses phones and desktop applications equally
•Middle classRecently relocated to a new city
Increase the conversion of accepted invites to event attendees
The Solution
Create a trusted mobile app that encourages and motivates users to attend more social events—adding simple gamification to the app will boost users to be more active in the app and level up!
Understanding the User
High Level Business Goal
To increase the conversion of accepted invites to event attendees, I needed to find a way to motivate users cost-effectively for the company—my solution was to add a gamification effect. People love exclusivity, and when gamification and exclusivity combine, it trigger's the user's motivation to interact with the app.
Competitive Analysis
User Persona
User Flow
User flow of onboarding and searching for an event.
Hand Sketches
Low-fidelity Wireframes
To test my solution sketches with users, I transferred my hand drawn sketches into low-fidelity wireframes.
Guerilla Testing
Style Guide / UI Kit
Prototype / Usability Testing
Usability Testing / Results
For the second round of testing, I had five new participants to test my high fidelity prototype. My goal was to test my assumption of how users would navigate through the app and see if any there are UI designs that needed to be improved.
Reflections and Next Steps!
Eventshift was my first project where I had to think of a solution that meets both the user and the business goal, and I was excited to find the best solution for this project. For the next step, I want to work more on animations to bring smooth interactions and flows to the app.
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